Retro Assembler V2020.12 Released

June 16, 2020Retro Assembler

The following updates have been made:

Empty Macros get removed from the compiled code automatically. These caused some local label issues.

When the Setting OmitUnusedFunctions is Enabled, empty Functions and their standard, correctly formatted calls get removed from the compiled code.

When the Setting Debug is Enabled, a text representation of the compiled code is saved alongside with the normal debug information. This way you can check out your compiled file's code and data contents, without doing Disassembling which would not recognize the data sections. You can change its default filename in the Setting DebugCodeFile or in the Settings Xml file.

When the Setting OutputSaveInfoFile is Enabled, now Atari DOS (.xex) files create the Info file about memory usage. The Atari 800 example file has been updated to utilize this feature.

See the documentation for details.

Download the latest version from the Retro Assembler page!