
July 20, 2017Apps

This is a bit of a recap. I wrote this app in April 2015 and now I issued a minor update.

Ambience puts you into the mood for work or relaxation by playing ambient sounds in the background. Whether it's nature or a busy coffee shop that helps you to get into the zone, Ambience got you covered. The app is based on Noizio for macOS and iOS, but it had no Windows version, so I made one.

Ambience – Noizio for Windows

Back then not only I made it High DPI aware, but also created an installer version. I decided to drop the installer due to its issues, the app can be used in portable mode which is better anyway. And with the release of Windows 10, I made a small adjustment in the header to look better with white title bars and compiled the app for .net Framework 4.7 which will be the minimum version for my applications from now on.

Download it from the Apps page!

Platform: Windows (.NET Framework 4.8)

Big thanks to the makers of Noizio for the sounds and images, they deserve all the credit for those. Go and check them out if you've got a Mac, iPhone or iPad.